Mozart, W.A.Violin Sonatas Vol.5Ibragimova, Tiberghien
Sterndale Bennett, W.Piano Concertos vol.74Shelley, Howard e.a.
Debussy, C.Piano MusicOsborne, Steven
Schubert, F. Winterreise D911Boesch, Vignoles
Sheppard, J.Media VitaTallis Scholars, The
Nenov, D.Piano Concerto & Ballade no.2Varbanov, Ivo e.a.
Rozycki, FriedmanPiano QuintetsSzymanowski Quartet
Lalo, E.Piano TriosLeonore Piano Trio
Herz, H.Piano ConcertosShelley, Howard e.a.
Loyset CompèreMagnificat, MotetsOrlando Consort
Liszt, F.Complete Liszt vol.56Howard, Leslie
Schumann, R.Marchenbilder, Fantasiestucke e.a.The Nash Ensemble
Liszt, FranzComplete Liszt vol.02 Howard, Leslie
Hubay, J.Violin Concertos vol.6Shaham, Hagai e.a.
Stanford, Ch.V.Violin Concertos vol.2Marwood, Anthony e,a,
Stenhammar, W.Piano Sonata e.a.Sturfalt, Martin
Schubert, F.Complete Songs vol.14Hampson, Johnson
Corigliano, Copland e.a.New York VariationsHough, Stephen
Godowsky, L.Chopin EtudesHamelin, Marc-Andre
Wiklund, AdolfPiano Concertos vol.57Sturfält, Martin
Schubert, F.Complete Songs vol.2Varcoe, Stephen
Berwald, F.Chamber MusicGaudier Ensemble
Liszt, F.Complete Liszt vol.40Howard, Leslie
Glazunov, GoedickePiano Concertos vol.13Coombs, Stephen e.a.
Godowsky, L.Sonata and PassacagliaHamelin, Marc-Andre
Schumann, R.Liederkreis Op.39 e.a.Finley, Drake
Schubert, F.Complete Songs vol.12Thompson, Adrian
Beethoven, L. vanKwintet Op.16 e.a.Gaudier Ensemble
Francaix, J.L'heure du berger e.a.Gaudier Ensemble
Bowen, Y.The Piano SonatasDriver, Danny
Francaix, J.Orchestral MusicFischer, Thierry
Huss, SchellingPiano Concertos vol.16Hobson, Ian e.a.
Lyapunov, S.M.Piano Concertos vol.30Milne, H., Brabbins, e.a.
Anonymous13th Cent Music & Poetry Potter, O'gorman e.a.
Schubert, F.Complete Songs vol.19Lott, Felicity
Alnaes, SindingPiano ConcertosLane, Piers e.a.
Rzewski, F.People United Will Never Be Defeated!Hamelin, Marc-Andre
Stenhammer, W.Piano Concertos vol.49Tanyel, Seta e.a.
Hubay, J.Violin Concertos vol.3Shaham, Hagai
Faure, G.Piano QuintetsDomus, Marwood
Beethoven, L.Complete Piano Trio vol.2Florestan Trio
Fauré, G.Piano MusicHewitt, Angela
Schubert, F.Complete Songs vol.21Mathis, Edith
Janacek, L.Eternal Gospel e.a.Jeffers, Gweneth-Ann
Liszt, FranzComplete Liszt vol.42Howard, Leslie
Stravinsky, I.Violin & PianoMarwood, Adès
Taubert, RosenhainPiano Concertos vol.51Shelley, Howard e.a.
Liszt, F.Complete Liszt vol.23Howard, Leslie
Pierne, G.Piano Concertos vol.34Coombs, Stephen e.a.
Gounod, Ch.Piano Concertos vol.62Prosseda, Roberto e.a.
Liszt, F.Complete Liszt vol.54Howard, Leslie
Bache, Sterndale BennettPiano Concerto, CapriceShelley, Howard e.a.
Liszt, F.Complete Liszt vol.34Howard, Leslie
Liszt, FranzComplete Liszt vol.43Howard, Leslie
Byrd, W.Infelix egoCardinall's Musick
Dubois, T.Piano Concertos vol.60Tiberghien, Cedric
Liszt, FranzComplete Liszt 10 Hexameron/SymphonHoward, Leslie
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